Founded by collectors Egbert and Loes Dommering, with the aim of promoting the latest and innovative art, in particular video and photography.
The foundation was founded on April 8, 2009 by collectors Egbert and Loes Dommering with the aim of promoting the latest and innovative art, in particular video and photography. In practice, the emphasis has shifted to video art (ie experimental films). Assessment criteria are: 1. artistic quality and 2. innovation or experiment. The board consists of: Egbert Dommering (chairman), Loes Dommering-van Rongen (secretary/treasurer), Lonnie van Brummelen, Matthijs Erdman and Hendrik Driessen (members). The board receives no remuneration.
Since 2011, we have made annual payments, mainly in the field of video art (experimental artist films), but occasionally also related to photography. A selection is included under Projects, as well as a complete list of all projects to which we have contributed. The emphasis has shifted to financing new works, usually in co-financing with other funds, both public and private. Every year, dozens of applications are received, of which only a few can be honoured. When awarding the award, the board looks for a mix of young talent and artists who already have some reputation.
Our income consists mainly of donations from the founders. We do not raise funds from other sources. Part of the donations received is made available for grants and part is added to the general reserve. In this way a stock capital is built up from which additional income can be generated. This also offers the possibility of paying higher grants in the futire. The board decides from year to year about the amount available for grants. The assets are managed by the treasurer in consultation with the bank.